[C4BIPS] User evaluation for C4BIPS Massive Open Online Course for Basketball Injury Prevention Strategies




This questionnaire is delivered in the context of the C4BIPS (Massive Open Online Course for Basketball Injury Prevention Strategies) Erasmus+ Sport European Project.

The purpose of this questionnaire is to evaluate the quality of C4BIPS Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) for Basketball Injury Prevention Strategies available at: http://c4bips.csd.auth.gr/elearning/

Using this questionnaire, you will support the C4BIPS project to know:

  • your opinion about the usability of the MOOC;
  • your learning experience studying this course;
  • your attitude towards the C4BIPS solution for learning about Basketball Injury Prevention Strategies;
  • the potential impact of the course in your career


It takes no more than 15’ minutes to answer the questionnaire.


Once you submit this questionnaire, and given that you have followed the C4BIPS MOOC, we will send you the C4BIPS MOOC Certificate of Attendance by e-mail.